MARINE NOTICE, No 067 of 2018

 Realtime Waterlevel OPW; click to the Office of Public Works (OPW)
Realtime Waterlevel OPW

MARINE NOTICE, No 67 of 2018


Water Levels in Shannon Navigation

Cautionary Warning

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners of vessels and users that low water levels exist on the Shannon navigation.

The navigation between Albert Lock – Rooskey – Tarmonbarry – Athlone is below Ordinary Summer Level. See water levels data on next page.

Masters of vessels, particularly those with deep drafts, are advised to navigate with additional caution and to remain within the navigation at all times.

P Harkin, Inspector of Navigation, 16 July 2018

Daily Report Monday 16 July 2018
Water Levels

  Sill Ordinary Summer Level (m.) Daily Water Level (m.) Rainfall (mm.) Sluices Open
Drumshanbo (L. Allen) 48.16 48.46    
Clarendon Lock Upper Lower 44.20 42.98 44.11 43.09    
Jamestown Sluices 42.98 43.06   1/2
Albert Lock Upper Lower 42.98 41.15 43.04 41.05 14.6  
Rooskylock Upper Lower 41.15 40.14 41.03 40.11 15.1
Tarmonbarry Lock Upper Lower 40.14 37.49 39.96 37.46 8.5
Lough Ree 37.49 37.50    
Athlone Lock Upper Lower 37.49 35.36 37.44 35.43 2.7 1@3ft
Pollboy Lock Upper Lower 37.00 35.35 37.36 35.40 3.7
Banagher 35.36 35.40 1.7  
Victoria Lock Upper Lower 35.36 33.38 35.35 33.49 2.9
0 Meelick 1 New Cut
Portumna Bridge 33.38 33.51    

Meelick Weir Boards: In
Watzer Levels are relative to Poolbeg Datum
Banagher target lavel 35,32 to 35,43
Water level and the rainfallfor previous 24 hours are read at 9:00am

Wasserstände in der Shannon-Navigation Vorsichtshinweis Warnung
Waterways Ireland möchte die Kapitäne und Eigentümer von Schiffen und Benutzern darauf hinweisen, dass die Wasserstände auf der Shannon-Navigation jetzt auf dem normalen Sommerniveau liegen. Siehe Wasser-standsdaten auf der nächsten Seite.
Kapitänen von Schiffen, insbesondere solchen mit starkem Tiefgang, wird empfohlen, mit zusätzlicher Vorsicht zu navigieren und stets innerhalb der Navigation zu bleiben.