Remedial Works and Restrictions to Navigation
Waterways Ireland wishes to advise all masters and users of Ringsend Basin that major renovations of Ringsend Basin will commence on 14 January 2013. It is expected that these works will continue until mid May
Diving operations will commence on 14 January which will involve strengthening quay walls at Charlotte Quay, replacement of slipway and installation of stop planks at Camden Lock (Large Sea Lock).
All works will take place from pontoons adjacent to area of works. Warning markers will be placed as required to advise all users of the basin.
As a result of the planned works water levels in the basin may fluctuate. Owners and masters of vessels moored on both Charlotte and Hanover Quays are advised to tend their mooring lines as required. Vessels may be required to move to facilitate works on Charlotte Quay. Advance notice will be given where possible.
Masters are requested to keep vessels clear of all works and comply with instructions from safety craft in the works areas.
Waterways Ireland thanks its customers for their cooperation in this matter.
Charles Lawn, Lt Cdr (rtd), Inspector of Navigation, 10Jan 2013