MARINE NOTICE, No 126 of 2013
Waterways Ireland wishes to advise all masters and users of the erne navigation that a fireworks display will take place at castle island, Enniskillen on Thursday 31st October 2013 from 8.00 p.m. to 8.30 p.m.
masters of vessels are advised that there will be no mooring permitted at the Waterways Ireland head office mooring nor at the henry street public jetties on the day of the event in the interest of public safety. navigation in the vicinity of castle island is also prohibited for the duration of the event. alternative mooring is available at the forum and regal pass jetties with easy access to event vantage points.
instructions from safety vessels must be adhered to at all times further information may be had from the lough erne manager/ warden at Waterways Ireland’s head office
on 00-44-48 66 322836.
Charles Lawn,Inspector of Navigation,30 October 2013.