MARINE NOTICE, No.5 of 2014
Grand Canal
Temporary Closure
Waterways Ireland wishes to advise owners and masters that the Grand Canal at Sallins will be closed to navigation from Mon 27th Jan until Thurs 13th Mar 2014 while new moorings are being constructed due to the presence of workboats, pontoons and chains across the canal, no passage will be permissible.
Waterways Ireland regrets any inconvenience that this may cause its customers.
C J Lawn, Lt Cdr (rtd), Inspector of Navigation, 23 Jan 2014.

MARINE NOTICE, No.6 of 2014
Grand Canal
Marine Notice No 5 of 2014 refers.
Waterways Ireland wishes to advise owners and masters that the Grand Canal at Sallins will be closed to navigation on Fri 24th, Sat 25th and Sun 26th Jan to facilitate preparatory works prior to Mon 27th Jan.
Waterways Ireland regrets any inconvenience that this may cause its customers.
C J Lawn, Lt Cdr (rtd), Inspector of Navigation, 24 Jan 2014.