MARINE NOTICE 126 of 2015

Erne-System; © esri; click to "Ballinamore to Belleek Map "
Erne-System; © esri

MARINE NOTICE, No126 of 2015

Erne System

Waterways Ireland has been advised by Rivers Agency that from 1st October, in keeping with water level management protocols, users of the Erne System can expect reducing water levels throughout the navigation as water levels on Lower Lough Erne are lowered, weather permitting, to a minimum of 149 feet (Above Poolbeg Ordnance Datum), in anticipation of increased precipitation during Autumn & Winter.

If water levels do fall masters should be aware of:


To reduce the risk of grounding masters should navigate on or near the centreline of the channel, avoid short cutting in dog-legged channels and navigating too close to navigation markers.

Mooring of Vessels

Masters should be aware that water levels may change rapidly and that mooring lines will require adjustment therefore theese should be checked regularly.

Charles Lawn, Inspector of Navigation, Ss Sep 2015

MARINE NOTICE 125 of 2015

 Shannon Navigation & Shannon Erne Waterway;© IBRA & ECBA; click to "enlarge"MARINE NOTICE, No 125 of 2015

Shannon & Shannon-Erne Navigations

Winter Mooring Period 2015-2016

  • Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters that the winter mooring period for public harbours on the above navigations will commence on 1 Nov 2015 and end on the 31 Mar 2016.
  • Masters are advised that collection of the associated charge, in arrears, has ceased and they are now requested to pay the winter mooring fee of €63.50 prior to 1 Nov 2015.
  • Masters are furthered reminded that Bye-law 17. Mooring and Use of Harbours i.e the “5 Day Rule”, continues to apply during this period and that masters not wishing to avail of winter mooring should continue to observe the mooring time limits for public harbours.
  • Payment may be made by cheque, bank draft or postal order, made payable to Waterways Ireland, to the office below. Credit/Debit Card payments may be made by contacting Finance Section, Waterways Ireland, Enniskillen, Tel: 048 6632 3004 (from ROI).
  • Masters should also note that fresh water and electricity supply may not be available during this period at public moorings therefore any on-board services which may be depending on this electrical supply should have an alternative source of power.
  • Masters are reminded that if availing of winter mooring that they continue to routinely monitor their vessels especially during periods of adverse weather and also be aware of rising/falling water levels that will require adjustment of mooring lines.
  • Vessels berthed in public harbours are at the owners risk at all times.Waterways Ireland thanks its customers for their co-operation.

Charles Lawn, Inspector of Navigation, Athlone, Co. Westmeath, 22 Sep 2015

MARINE NOTICE 124 of 2015

Belturbet; © esri; click to "Ballinamore to Belleek Map "
Belturbet; © esri

MARINE NOTICE, No124 of 2015

Shannon-Erne Waterway & River Erne

Belturbet & Kilconny

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners of vessels that essential remedial works are planned for the access gangways of the floating jetties at both Willow Avenue Belturbet and Erne Bridge Kilconny.
The work is scheduled to take place from Monday 14th September to Friday 25th September 2015. Limited access to the floating jetties shall remain in place during this period.
Waterways Ireland regrets any inconvenience that this may cause and thanks its customers for their cooperation in this matter.
Further information may be had by contacting Waterways Ireland’s Carrick-on-Shannon office at 07196-50562.

C.J.Lawn, Inspector of Navigation, 15 September 2015


MARINE NOTICE 123 of 2015

Lock 23 and 24 Grand Canal; © esri; click to Arcgis Map "Lock 23 and 24 at Grand Canal"
Lock 23 and 24 GC; © esri

MARINE NOTICE, No 123 of 2015


Tullamore Cappincur


Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and users of the Grand Canal that Offaly Rowing Club will be holding a time trial event on Sat 3rd. Oct from 0800hrs until 1600hrs.
The event will be held between Locks 23 and 24 on the Grand Canal at Cappincur, Tullamore.
Navigation will be restricted during the period of the time trials and masters should note any instructions or advice given by the event safety marshals.
Waterways Ireland thanks its customers for their cooperation with this event.

Charles Lawn, Inspector of Navigation, 15 Sep 2015

MARINE NOTICE 122 of 2015

Clarendon Lock; © esri; click picture to "Arcgis Map Clarendon Lock "MARINE NOTICE, No. 122 of 2015

Shannon Navigation

Boyle River, Clarendon Lock

Lock Gate Fault

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners that Clarendon Lock is now fully operational.

Marine Notice No 114 of 2015 is now withdrawn.

C.J.Lawn, Inspector of Navigation, 15 Sep 2015

Captain's Handbook ©

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