MARINE NOTICE, No 060 of 2016

Map Inland Waterways Ireland;© Waterways Ireland
Inland Map Ireland;© WI

MARINE NOTICE, No. 60 of 2016

All Navigations

Dangers on Swimming in the Navigation

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise the public on the dangers of swimming and diving in and around navigation infrastructure such as bridges, locks, weirs, pontoons and harbour jetties.
The possibility of a swimmer being struck by a vessel, its propeller or being run over is ever present while powered craft are manoeuvring at such locations. Swimming is therefore prohibited at these locations.

C.J.Lawn, Inspector of Navigation, 31 May 2016


MARINE NOTICE, No 059 of 2016

GC-20th Lock Ticknevin; © esri; click to Esri Map "GC-20th Lock Ticknevin"
GC-20th Lock Ticknevin; ; © esri

MARINE NOTICE, No. 59 of 2016

Grand Canal

20th Lock Ticknevin

County Kildare

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners of vessels that the 20th Lock at Ticknevin on the Grand Canal will be closed to navigation outside lock-keepers normal working hours until further notice.
The relevant lock keepers normal working hours are:

16th March to 31st May 9:30am to 6:00pm
1st June to 26th September 9:30am to 7:00pm
27th September to 31st October 9:30am to 5:00pm
1st November to 15th March 9:30am to 2:00pm

If passage through the lock is required outside the above hours please contact the lock keeper at 087 2456531 during normal working hours to ascertain if passage can be facilitated.

Waterways Ireland thanks its customers for their co-operation in this matter.

C.J.Lawn, Inspector of Navigation, 31 May 2016

MARINE NOTICE, No 058 of 2016

Coosan Point; © esri; click to Esri Map "Killinure- Lough "
Coosan Point; © esri

MARINE NOTICE, No 58 of 2016


Lough Ree – Killinure Lough

Athlone Boat Club Regatta

Masters and users of the Shannon Navigation are advised that the Athlone Boat Club rowing regatta will take place on Sat 18th June from 0800 hrs until 1900 hrs, on Killinure Lough.
Masters are requested to proceed at slow speed and with minimum wash when in this area to avoid any upset to rowing craft which have only a small amount of freeboard.
Masters are further requested to note any advice given by race marshals when approaching the course.
Laying and removal of the course will take place between 9th and 18th Jun.
Waterways Ireland thanks its customers for their co-operation in this matter.

C.J.Lawn, Inspector of Navigation, 31 May 2015

Athlone Boat Club; © wasserrausch; click picture to "enlarge"
Athlone Boat Club

MARINE NOTICE, No 057 of 2016

Shannon one Design; click to Website Shannon one Design
Shannon one Design © SOD

MARINE NOTICE, No.57 of 2015


Athlone to Portumna


Long Distance Sailing Race

Sat 25th. and Sun 26th. June 2016

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners of vessels of the above race. SOD’s will race from Athlone lock to Banagher harbour on Sat the 25th. and from Banagher to Portumna bridge on Sun 26th.
Masters of powerboats are requested to heed their wash when passing vessels under sail and accordingly to observe the navigation rules.
Waterways Ireland thanks its customers for their cooperation in this matter.

Charles Lawn, Inspector of Navigation, 31May 2016.

Mountshannon LDYC Regatta
Mountshannon LDYC Regatta
Dromineer Harbour
Dromineer Harbour

MARINE NOTICE, No 056 of 2016

Cambell's Bridge; Grand Canal; © esri; click to Arcgis Map "Cambell's Bridge; Grand Canal"
Cambell’s Bridge; © esri

MARINE NOTICE, No. 56 of 2016

Grand Canal

Campbell’s Bridge

Ballycommon Canal Renewal Group

Activities on the Waterways 4-5 June 2016

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners of vessels that there will be an open day of activities on the waterways at the junction of the Grand Canal and the Old Kilbeggan Canal Line on 4-5 June 2016.
It is requested that the area directly South of Campbell’s Bridge be kept clear of moorings to facilitate small boating events.
Masters and owners of vessels operating in the area should comply with guidance instructions from event officials.
Waterways Ireland thanks its customers for their co-operation in this matter.

C.J.Lawn, Inspector of Navigation, 30 May 2016

Ballycommon Canal Renewal Group BBQ © IWAI
Ballycommon Canal Renewal Group BBQ © IWAI
Captain's Handbook ©

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