MARINE NOTICE, No. 50 of 2017
Lough Ree – Coosan Point
Athlone Triathlon Club
Midlands Duathlon and National Aquathon
Masters and users of the Shannon Navigation are advised that Athlone Triathlon Club will host a duathlon on Wed 5 July from 1800 hrs until 1900 hrs and an aquathon on Sat 22 July from 1100hrs until 1300 hrs at Coosan Point, respectively.
Masters are requested to proceed at slow speed and with minimum wash when in this area to avoid any upset to swimmers participating.
Masters are further requested to note any advice given by race marshals and to give the course a wide berth at all times.
Waterways Ireland thanks its customers for their co-operation in this matter.
C.J.Lawn, Inspector of Navigation, 22 Jun 2017