MARINE NOTICE, No 033 of 2018

Lough Erne; © esri; click to "esri map"
Lough Erne; © esri

MARINE NOTICE, No. 33 of 2018


Lower Lough Erne – Gublusk Bay

Seawings Event

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners that the above event is scheduled to take place on Saturday 2nd June 2018.
As part of the event a seaplane aircraft will alight and take-off in the vicinity of Gublusk Bay, near Lough Erne Yacht Club (LEYC). PSNI will control entry between 0500hrs and 1700hrs to the waterway areas designated for aircraft use during the event.
Masters are requested to follow the directions given by the event organisers, PSNI, and marshals and to be aware of aircraft on approach or take-off from the area. Normal navigation rules apply to aircraft when manoeuvring on the water.

Waterways Ireland thanks its customers for their cooperation with this event.

P Harkin, Cdr (Rtd), Inspector of Navigation, 24 May 2018

LEYC, Goblusk Bay © Captain’s Handbook
LEYC, Goblusk Bay © Captain’s Handbook

Seawings Veranstaltung
Waterways Ireland möchte Kapitäne und Eigentümer darauf hinweisen, dass die oben genannte Veranstaltung am Samstag, den 2. Juni 2018 stattfinden soll.
Im Rahmen der Veranstaltung wird ein Wasserflugzeug in der Nähe der Bucht von Gublusk in der Nähe des Lough Erne Yacht Club (LEYC) landen und starten. PSNI wird den Zutritt zu den Wasserstraßen, die während der Veranstaltung für die Nutzung durch Flugzeuge vorgesehen sind, zwischen 5.00 und 17.00 Uhr kontrollieren.
Die Kapitäne werden gebeten, den Anweisungen der Veranstalter, der PSNI und der Marshalls zu folgen und sich über die Flugzeuge beim An- und Abflug zu informieren. Für Flugzeuge gelten beim Manövrieren auf dem Wasser normale Navigationsregeln.
Waterways Ireland dankt seinen Kunden für die Zusammenarbeit mit dieser Veranstaltung

MARINE NOTICE, No 032 of 2018

ArcGis-Map Dublin Docks Grand Canal click to "Navigation Guide Waterwaysireland"
ArcGis-Map Dublin Docks Grand Canal Navigation Guide Waterwaysireland

MARINE NOTICE, No 32 of 2018


Grand Canal Dock, Dublin

Low Water Levels – Navigations Restrictions

Waterways Ireland wishes to notify owners and masters of vessels that Waterways Ireland are currently experiencing issues with low water levels in Grand Canal Dock.
As a result no passage will be possible through the Sea Lock until further notice. There will also be restrictions to movements on the Grand Canal Circular Line.
Masters of vessels moored in Grand Canal Dock are advised to tend their mooring lines to accommodate the reduction in water levels.
Waterways Ireland regrets any inconvenience the above causes its customers, and will issue a further marine notice when updated information is available.

P Harkin, Inspector of Navigation, 21 May 2018

1. Dublin Dragon Boat Regatta; Ringsend; © Michael Slevin
1. Dublin Dragon Boat Regatta; Ringsend; © Michael Slevin

MARINE NOTICE, No 031 of 2018

Map Inland Waterways Ireland  © WI
Map Waterways Ireland © WI


Swim from Lough Allen to Limerick

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners of vessels a swim of the River Shannon:

from Lough Allen to Limerick during the period 24 May to 03 June 2018.

The programme for the swim as follows:

Day 1 Thursday May 24th
8am Dowra too Lough Allen 10km
12-4pm break.
4pm lough Allen to Drumshambo 14km

Day 2 May Friday 25th
8am Drumshambo to Leitrim 8.5km
12-4pm break.
4pm Leitrim too Carrick On Shannon. 7km

Day 3 Saturday May 26th
8am Carrick to Jameston 16km
12-4pm break.
4pm Jamestown to Rooskey 14km

Day 4 Sunday May 27th
8am Rooskey too Termonnabarry 12km
Termonnabarry to Lanesbourogh 13km

Day 5 Monday May 28th
8am Lanesbourogh to Athlone 28km

Day 6 Tuesday May 29th
8am Athlone to Clonmac noise 16km
12-4pm break.
4pm Clonmacnoise to Shannonbridge 9km

Day 7 Wenesday May 30th
8am Shannonbridge to Banagher 15km

Day 8 Thursday May 31st
8am Banagher to Victoria Lough 7km –
12-4pm break.
Victoria Lough to Portumna 14km-

Day 9 Friday June 1st–
8am Portumna to Killaloe 37km

Day 10 Saturday June 2nd
8am Killaloe to O’briens bridge 10km

Day 11 Sunday June 3rd-
O’Briens bridge to Limerick 15km


Masters of vessels are advised to navigate with additional caution in the vicinity of the swim as it proceeds southwards.

P Harkin, Inspector of Navigation, 18 May 2018

Cleighran More Lough Allen; from Wasserrausch Website
Cleighran More Lough Allen

MARINE NOTICE, No 030 of 2018

Lough Allen, © esri; click to Arcgis Map "Lough Allen, Acres Lake Drumshanbo and Battlebridge"
Lough Allen, © esri

MARINE NOTICE, No 30 of 2018


Paddling Activity in Louugh Allen Canal

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners of vessels that there will be an anticipated 100+ paddlers on the Lough Allen Canal on Wednesday 23rd May 2018 between the hours of 9:30am to 5pm.

Masters of vessels are advised to navigate with additional caution in the Lough Allen canal.

P Harkin, Inspector of Navigation, 18 May 2018

Battlebridge; © CHB
Battlebridge; © CHB
Louigh Allen Canal-© CHB
Louigh Allen Canal-© CHB
Acres Lake Lough Allen © CHB
Acres Lake Lough Allen © CHB
Drumleague Lock © CHB
Drumleague Lock © CHB
Drumshambo-Bridge © CHB
Drumshambo-Bridge © CHB
Drumshambo Lock © CHB
Drumshambo Lock © CHB

MARINE NOTICE, No 029 of 2018

Inchinalee Island Shannon Navigation; click to ArcGis Map "Shannon Map"
Inchinalee Island Shannon Navigation

MARINE NOTICE, No 29 of 2018


Green Perch missing at Inchinalee Island

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners of vessels that a Green Perch on the Northern side of Inchinalee Island is missing.

Inchinalee Island is approx 4 km North of Clonmacnois on the River Shannon.

A temporary Green can buoy will be installed on Wednesday 09 May 2018 and will remain in place until a permanent perch is installed.

Masters of vessels are advised to navigate with additional caution and to remain within the navigation at all times in the area of Inchinalee Island.

P Harkin, Inspector of Navigation, 04 May 2018

Inchinalee Island; © Captain’s Handbook
Inchinalee Island; © Captain’s Handbook

Grüner Marker fehlt bei der Insel Inchinalee

Waterways Ireland möchte Kapitäne und Eigner von Schiffen darauf hinweisen, dass ein Grüner Marker auf der Nordseite von Inchinalee Island fehlt. Inchinalee Island liegt ca. 4 km nördlich von Clonmacnois am Fluss Shannon.
Eine temporäre grüne Tonnenboje wird am Mittwoch, den 09. Mai 2018 installiert und bleibt so lange an Ort und Stelle, bis eine permanente Stange installiert ist.
Kapitänen von Schiffen wird empfohlen, mit zusätzlicher Vorsicht zu navigieren und sich im Bereich der Inchinalee-Insel jederzeit innerhalb der Navigation aufzuhalten.

Captain's Handbook ©

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