MARINE NOTICE, No. 07 of 2021, Updated

Mountshannon-Gribby Island; © esri; click picture to esri maps "Lough Derg Mountshannon-Mooring "
Mountshannon-Gribby Island; © esri

MARINE NOTICE, No. 07 of 2021, Updated


Lough Derg, Cribby Island

Green Navigation Marker replaced

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise all Masters of vessels and water users that the Green Navigation Marker marking the western side of Cribby Island at the entrance to Mountshannon has been replaced.
Waterways Ireland thanks all vessel owners and operators for their co-operation in relation to this matter.

P Harkin, Inspector of Navigation, 26 January 2021, Tel:00 353(0)90 6494232

Mountshannon Harbour; © wasserrausch
Mountshannon Harbour; © wasserrausch
Cribby Islands © wasserrausch
Cribby Islands © wasserrausch
Green-Marker Gribby Island CHB ©

MARINE NOTICE, Nr. 07 von 2021 Aktualisiert
Lough Derg ; Cribby Insel
Grüner Navigationsmarker wieder montiert
Waterways Ireland möchte alle Kapitäne von Schiffen und Wasserfahrzeugnutzern darauf hinweisen, dass die grüne Navigations-markierung, die die Westseite von Cribby Island am Eingang zu Mountshannon markiert, ersetzt wurde.
Waterways Ireland dankt allen Schiffseignern und -betreibern für ihre Kooperation in dieser Angelegenheit.

Captain's Handbook ©

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