Appointment of Waterways Ireland Chief Executive Officer
John Mc Donagh has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of Waterways Ireland following a meeting of the North South Ministerial Council on February 3rd 2021. John will take up a four year appointment having previously acted as the interim Chief Executive of Waterways Ireland since April 2019.
read more, link to waterwaysireland.org ……..
Ernennung des neuen CEO von Waterways Ireland
John Mc Donagh wurde nach einer Sitzung des North South Ministerial Council am 3. Februar 2021 zum Chief Executive Officer von Waterways Ireland ernannt. John wird eine vierjährige Amtszeit antreten, nachdem er zuvor seit April 2019 als Interim Chief Executive von Waterways Ireland fungierte.
weiter lesen, link zu waterwaysireland.org……