MARINE NOTICE, No 045 of 2016

Abbeyshrule Royal Canal; © esri; click picture to "esri Map Abbeyshrule Royal Canal"
Abbeyshrule Royal Canal; © esri

MARINE NOTICE, No.45 of 2016


Drapers Bridge and Abbeyshrule

Canal Towpath Closure for

New Construction Works

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners of vessels that the Royal Canal between Drapers Bridge and Abbeyshrule Harbour will be closed from 30th May until 12th. Aug 2016 to facilitate cyclepath construction works on the south towpath.

Waterways Ireland thanks its customers for their cooperation in this matter.

Charles Lawn, Inspector of Navigation, 25 May 2016.


Royal Canal Moyvalley Bridge; © AJ Vosse
Royal Canal Moyvalley Bridge; © AJ Vosse

Abbeyshrule Harbour © AJ Vosse
Abbeyshrule Harbour © AJ Vosse

MARINE NOTICE, No 095 of 2015

Abbeyshrule Royal Canal; © esri; click picture to "esri Map Abbeyshrule Royal Cana"
Abbeyshrule Royal Canal; © esri

MARINE NOTICE, No.95 of 2015



Canal Closure due to Air Accident

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners of vessels that the obstruction to navigation has been removed and the navigation is now open.

Marine Notice No 93 is now withdrawn

Charles Lawn, Inspector of Navigation, 17 July 2015.

Whitworth Aqueduct, east of Abbeyshrule Royal Canal ; © Alan Grant; click to "Alan Grant Gallerie"© Alan Grant
Whitworth Aqueduct, east of Abbeyshrule Royal Canal ; © Alan Grant

MARINE NOTICE, No 093 of 2015

Abbeyshrule Royal Canal; © esri; click picture to "esri Map Abbeyshrule Royal Cana"
Abbeyshrule Royal Canal; © esri

MARINE NOTICE, No.93 of 2015



Canal Closure due to Air Accident

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners of vessels that due to a helicopter crash on the tow path of the canal adjacent to the „Rustic Inn“ public house in Abbeyshurle and resulting debris falling into the canal, the canal is closed to navigation at this point until further notice.

Waterways Ireland thanks its customers for their cooperation in this matter.

Charles Lawn, Inspector of Navigation, 16 July 2015.

Helicopter crash "click to Article on the UTV Website"

Pilot crashed Helicopter near Pub © Enda Farell
Whitworth Aqueduct, east of Abbeyshrule Royal Canal ; © Alan Grant; click to "Alan Grant Gallerie"© Alan Grant
Whitworth Aqueduct, east of Abbeyshrule Royal Canal ; © Alan Grant