MARINE NOTICE 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 and 50 of 2013

 Killinure Lough Regatta,
Killinure Lough Regatta

MARINE NOTICE No 45 of 2013
Lough Ree – Killinure Lough

Athlone Boat Club Regatta

Masters and users of the Shannon Navigation are advised that the Athlone Boat Club rowing regatta will take place on Sat 15th June from 0800 hrs until 1900 hrs, on Killinure Lough. Masters are requested to proceed at slow speed and with minimum wash when in this area to avoid any upset to rowing craft which have only a small amount of freeboard. Masters are further requested to note any advice given by race marshals when approaching the course.
Laying and removal of the course will take place between 9th and 18 Jun.
Waterways Ireland thanks masters for their co-operation in this matter.
C.J.Lawn Lt Cdr (rtd), Inspector of Navigation, 28 May 2013

Athy River Barrow; © esri; click to Arcgis Map "Athy on River Barrow"
Athy on River Barrow; © esri

MARINE NOTICE No.46 of 2013

Sat 1 Jun 2013 Waterways Ireland TriAthy Triathlon Event

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners of vessels that the swimming element of the above event will take place in Athy on Sat 1 June from 07.30hrs until13.00hrs and from16.00hrs until 20.00hrs.
Masters are requested to heed any instructions issued by the event marshals and in particular to keep a look-out for swimmers in the water.
Waterways Ireland thanks its customers for their cooperation in this matter.
C.J.Lawn, Lt Cdr (rtd) Inspector of Navigation, 28 May 2013

Bagenalstown Lock; Barrow River; © esri; click picture to "esri Bagenalstown Lock; Barrow River"
Bagenalstown Lock; Barrow River; © esri;

MARINE NOTICE No 47 of 2013
Barrow Navigation
Bagenalstown and Borris Locks

Essential Maintenance
Marine Notice No 36 of 2013 refers.

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners of vessels that the above locks will remain closed until 6th June 2013.
Waterways Ireland regrets any inconvenience that this may cause its customers.
C.J.Lawn, Lt Cdr (rtd), Inspector of Navigation, 29 May 2013

Athlone Lock © esri; click picture to esri maps "Athlone Lock © esri"
Athlone Lock © esri

MARINE NOTICE No. 48 of 2013

Navigation Marker Missing

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners that a green starboardhand navigation mark is reported missing just south of Athlone Lock, on the eastern side of the navigation opposite the old Athlone Canal entrance.
Masters should proceed with caution when navigating this section of the river.

Charles Lawn, Lt Cdr (rtd), Inspector of Navigation, 29 May 2013

Bagenalstown Lock; Barrow River; © esri; click picture to "esri Bagenalstown Lock; Barrow River"
Bagenalstown Lock; Barrow River; © esri;
Bagenalstown Lock; Barrow River; © esri

MARINE NOTICE No 49 of 2013
Barrow Navigation
Bagenalstown and Borris Locks

Essential Maintenance

Marine Notice No 47 of 2013 refers.

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners that Boris lock remains open.
C.J.Lawn, Lt Cdr (rtd), Inspector of Navigation, 30 May 2013.

Athlone Lock © esri; click picture to esri maps "Athlone Lock © esri"
Athlone Lock © esri

MARINE NOTICE No. 50 of 2013

Navigation Marker Missing– Temporary Marks

Marine Notice No 48 refers:

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners that a green starboardhand navigation mark is reported missing just south of Athlone Lock, on the eastern side of the navigation opposite the old Athlone Canal entrance.
Two temporary marks, consisting of green floats, have been placed in position.
Masters navigating north of Wren Island and the entrance to the Old Canal should proceed with caution and stay towards the centreline of the channel.

Charles Lawn, Lt Cdr (rtd), Inspector of Navigation, 30 May 2013

MARINE NOTICE 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 and 37 of 2013

Clarendon Lock  © esri
Clarendon Lock © esri

MARINE NOTICE No. 32 of 2013
Clarendon Lock

Interruption to Power Supply

Waterways Ireland has been advised by the ESB that there will be an interruption of the electricity supply at Knockvicar, Co. Roscommon on Tuesday 7th May between 10am & 12.30 am , this will affect the operation of Clarendon Lock during this period.
C.J.Lawn, Lt Cdr (RTD), Inspector of Navigation, 2 May 2013



Portrunny Lough Ree  © esri
Portrunny Lough Ree © esri

MARINE NOTICE No.  33 of 2012
Lough Ree Portrunny

Triathlon Event – Swimming Element – Sat 8 Jun 2013

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and users of the Shannon Navigation that a triathlon event will take place on Sat 8 Jun in the environs of Portrunny harbour and that the swimming course will be laid out adjacent to the moorings.
The course will be active from 11.30 a.m until 1.00 p.m
Swimmers on the course they will be accompanied by a safety boat and kayaks .
Masters are requested to give swimmers a wide berth and to navigate at slow speed and with a low wash when passing the area and to heed any instructions or advice given by the event marshals.
Event Controller: Niall Moore 087-9624310 Athlone Triathlon Club.
Waterways Ireland thanks it customers for their cooperation in this matter.
C.J.Lawn, Lt Cdr (RTD), Inspector of Navigation, 7 May 2013

 Protection of Breeding White-tailed Eagles
Protection of Breeding White-tailed Eagles

MARINE NOTICE No.  34 of 2012
Lough Derg Mountshannon

Protection of Breeding White-tailed Eagles

Waterways Ireland has been advised that protected White-tailed Eagles are present and breeding on Bushy Island, Lough Derg.
To protect and minimise disturbance to nesting White-tailed Eagles in the area, masters are requested to observe a voluntary exclusion zone by not encroaching within 250m of the island and to proceed directly in and out of the harbour without stopping near the island, particularly between the months of May and August inclusive.
Masters should note that deliberate disturbance to nesting birds is illegal under the Wildlife Act (1976).
Waterways Ireland thanks its customers for their co-operation in this matter.
C.J.Lawn, Lt Cdr (RTD), Inspector of Navigation, 10 May 2013.

Kilcock Lock 15; © esri; click to " esri maps Kilcock Lock 15"
Kilcock Lock 15; © esri;

MARINE NOTICE No.35 of 2013
Royal Canal
Kilcock to Dublin, Lock Nos  12 to 17
Water Patrollers Summer 2013

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise that from the weekend of 10/11 May 2013 and over the summer period, water control and boat assistance on the Royal Canal Locks 12 to 17 will be provided as shown below:

Water Patroller Times of duty Contact Number
Des Phillips Mon-Fri 0830-1700 087 248 5754
  Sun 0830-1230  
PJ Massey Sat 0830-1230 087 985 7019
Weekend Water Patroller* Times of duty Contact Number
*David Mills, Damien McDermott   or Frank Melia Sat & Sun 1400-1800 087 177 8563

Please refer to Marine Notice No.16 for arrangements to make apassage in or out of Dublin, East of Lock 12.
Locks 16 & 17: passage may not be possible through these locks outside of the hours given above.  Masters should therefore make contact at the numbers given to arrange assistance through the locks.
For any further queries or clarifications on the above please contact the Eastern Regional Office at 353(1) 868 0148.
C.J.Lawn, Lt Cdr (RTD), Inspector of Navigation, 10 May 2013.

Bagenalstown Lock; Barrow River; © esri; click picture to "esri Bagenalstown Lock; Barrow River"
Bagenalstown Lock; Barrow River; © esri

MARINE NOTICE No 36 of 2013
Barrow Navigation
Bagenalstown and Borris Locks

Essential Maintenance

Marine Notice No 36 of 2013 refers.

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners of vessels that the above locks will remain closed until 31 May 2013 . Waterways Ireland regrets any inconvenience that this may cause its customers
C.J.Lawn, Lt Cdr (RTD), Inspector of Navigation, 13 May 2013

Tullamore Grand Canal; © esri; click to Arcgis Map "Tullamore on Grand Canal"
Tullamore Grand Canal; © esri

MARINE NOTICE No 37 of 2013
Restricted Navigation

Marine Notice No. 136 of 2012 and No. 10, 18, 24 and 30 of 2013 refer.

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners of vessels that navigation on the Grand Canal from the mouth of the Tullamore branch line to Kilbeggan Bridge will be restricted from Tuesday 21st May until Thursday 23rd May 2013 to facilitate ongoing works on the Tullamore boardwalk and bridges. Vessels wishing to transit through this section of the canal may experience short delays during this period.
Waterways Ireland thanks its customers for their cooperation in this matter.
C.J.Lawn, Lt Cdr (RTD), Inspector of Navigation, 17 May 2013