MARINE NOTICE 96 and 97 of 2013

 Map Royal- Grand Canal Barrow Navigation;© Waterways Ireland; click to "enlarge"
Royal- Grand Canal Barrow © WI

MARINE NOTICE No. 97 of 2013
Royal Canal – Dublin
Towpath Closure
Level 1 – Binns Bridge to Russell St

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise that the above section of canal towpath on Level 1 of the Royal Canal Dublin has been closed to the public due to a wall slippage that occurred following heavy rainfall on Wednesday night.
Electrical and gas services run along the towpath so it has been closed as a precautionary measure until repairs are carried out.  However, navigation will remain open as normal throughout this period.
Waterways Ireland apologises to its customers for any inconvenience caused.

C. Lawn, Inspector of Navigation, 28 Jul 2013


MARINE NOTICE No.96 of 2013


Waterways Ireland wishes to advise all masters and users of the Royal and Grand Canals and Barrow Navigation that due to the prolonged dry and warm weather, water levels have fallen in recent weeks and weedgrowth accelerated on the waterways. Masters of vessels, particularly those with deep drafts, are advised to proceed with due caution  when navigating the Royal and Grand Canals and Barrow Navigation. Additional time should be factored in to complete longer journeys.
Should any further updates on specific areas be necessary, these will issue as separate notices.

C J Lawn, Lt Cdr (rtd), Inspector of Navigation 25 July 2013

MARINE NOTICE 011 of 2013


Bagenalstown © esri click picture to ArcGis Map
Bagenalstown © esri
Borris Lock © esri click picture to ArcGis Map
Borris Lock © esri

Barrow Navigation

Bagenalstown and Borris Locks

Essential Maintenance
Marine Notices No 120 and 132 of 2012 refer.

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners of vessels that the above locks will remain closed until 3 May 2013
Waterways Ireland regrets any inconvenience that this may cause its customers

C.J.Lawn, Lt Cdr (RTD), Inspector of Navigation, 4 Mar 2013