MARINE NOTICE, No. 120 of 2015
Shannon Navigation & Royal Canal
Camlin River, Clondra and Richmond Harbour
Waterways Ireland Irish Autism Action
Waterbased Events Sat 12 Sep
Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners that the above events will take place on Sat 12 Sep from 1000hrs until 1300hrs and will include the presence of kayaks and canoes both on the Camlin Blueway and in Richmond Harbour.
Masters are requested to give priority at floating moorings to the launching and recovery of canoes and be aware of novice users taking part in the event.
Where masters meet canoes on the Blueway they are requested to proceed at slow speed and with minimum wash.
Waterways Ireland thanks its customers for their cooperation in this matter.
C.J.Lawn, Inspector of Navigation, 10 Sep 2015