Waterways Ireland has confirmed with Roscommon Co.Co that the advice below remains in force at this time.
Roscommon County Council wishes to advise consumers in the areas served by the Boyle and Boyle/Ardcarne Regional Water Supply Scheme that as a precautionary measure to boil water before use until further notice.
The areas affected include Killaraght, Rockingham, Knockvicar, Cootehall, Tarmon Road, Kiltycreighton, Crossna, Derrycashel, Moigh, Carrigeenroe, Battlebridge and Ardcarne.
It is essential that people in the affected areas boil any water intended for drinking or food preparation. If you are unsure of the source of your water supply, you should boil your water as a precautionary measure.
Water should be boiled for the following purposes:
Drinks made with water
Preparation of salads and similar foods, which are not cooked prior to eating
Brushing of teeth
Making of ice (discard ice cubes in fridge/freezers).
Un-boiled water should not be used for these purposes.
Un-boiled water can be used for personal hygiene, bathing and flushing of toilets but not for brushing teeth or gargling
TO BOIL WATER: Boil water until rolling, then allow to cool. Cover and store in a refrigerator or cold place. Water from the hot tap is not safe to drink. Domestic water filters will not render water safe to drink. Discard ice cubes in fridges and freezers and any filtered water in fridges. Make ice from cooled boiled water.
Use water prepared for drinking when preparing foods that will not be cooked (e.g. washing salads, fruit and vegetables to be consumed uncooked)
Prepare baby feeds with water that has been brought to the boil once and cooled. Do not use water that has been reboiled several times. Do not use bottled mineral water as most brands contain concentrations of minerals that are too high for babies.
The ‚Boil Water Notice’ will be lifted when the water supply is considered to be safe.
Further Information is available at www.roscommoncoco.ie
You can sign up for free Council SMS and e-mail alerts at https://www.mapalerter.com/roscommon
Boyle Ardcarn Map.pdf (size 7.6 MB)
Boyle Ardcarne Water Contamination at 17 May 2013.pdf (size 28.5 KB)
Roscommon County Council regrets the inconvenience to the public.
Issued Monday 13 May 2013
Updated 17th May 2013
Charles Lawn Lt Cdr( rtd), Inspector of Navigation, 2 May 2014
MARINE NOTICE No 38 of 2013
Lower Lough Erne
White Island & Long island
Essential Work
Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and users that a contractor will be working on Lower Lough Erne between White Island and Long Island on Wednesday 22nd May 2013.
Safety boats will be on station and masters of vessels should take care when in the vicinity and follow the advice of the safety boats.
Charles Lawn, Lt Cdr( rtd), Inspector of Navigation, 21 May 2013
MARINE NOTICE No 39 of 2013
Shannon Navigation
Boyle, Lough Key, Cootehall, Knockvicar and Battlebridge Moorings
Precautionary Notice to Boil Water Before Use
Waterways Ireland has been notified by Roscommon Co.Co of the following:
Roscommon County Council wishes to advise consumers in the areas served by the Boyle and Boyle/Ardcarne Regional Water Supply Scheme that as a precautionary measure to boil water before use until further notice.
The areas affected include Killaraght, Rockingham, Knockvicar, Cootehall, Tarmon Road, Kiltycreighton, Crossna, Derrycashel, Moigh, Carrigeenroe, Battlebridge and Ardcarne.
It is essential that people in the affected areas boil any water intended for drinking or food preparation. If you are unsure of the source of your water supply, you should boil your water as a precautionary measure.
Water should be boiled for the following purposes:
• Drinking
• Drinks made with water
• Preparation of salads and similar foods, which are not cooked prior to eating
• Brushing of teeth
• Making of ice (discard ice cubes in fridge/freezers).
Un-boiled water should not be used for these purposes.
Un-boiled water can be used for personal hygiene, bathing and flushing of toilets but not for brushing teeth or gargling
TO BOIL WATER: Boil water until rolling, then allow to cool. Cover and store in a refrigerator or cold place. Water from the hot tap is not safe to drink. Domestic water filters will not render water safe to drink. Discard ice cubes in fridges and freezers and any filtered water in fridges. Make ice from cooled boiled water.
Use water prepared for drinking when preparing foods that will not be cooked (e.g. washing salads, fruit and vegetables to be consumed uncooked)
Prepare baby feeds with water that has been brought to the boil once and cooled. Do not use water that has been reboiled several times. Do not use bottled mineral water as most brands contain concentrations of minerals that are too high for babies.
The ‚Boil Water Notice’ will be lifted when the water supply is considered to be safe.
Further Information is available at www.roscommoncoco.ie
You can sign up for free Council SMS and e-mail alerts at:
Boyle Ardcarn Map.pdf (size 7.6 MB)
Boyle Ardcarne Water Contamination at 17 May 2013.pdf (size 28.5 KB)
Roscommon County Council regrets the inconvenience to the public.
Issued Monday 13 May 2013
Updated 17th May 2013
Charles Lawn, Lt Cdr( rtd), Inspector of Navigation, 22 May 2013
MARINE NOTICE No.40 of 2013
Royal Canal
Kilcock Harbour
Water Quality
Marine Notice no.117 of 2012 refers.
Waterways Ireland wishes to notify all users of the Royal Canal in Kilcock that recent water quality testing has shown the harbour to now be within normal bathing water standards.
Charles Lawn, Lt Cdr( rtd), Inspector of Navigation, 22 May 2013
MARINE NOTICE, No 41 of 2011
Castle Island Area
Waterways Ireland wishes to advise all Masters and Users of the Erne System that the Channel east of Castle Island, will be closed from Fri 24 May until Tue 11 Jun to Facilitate Water based Events.
Mariners should follow the market Navigation Channel and signs to west of Castle Island and proceed at slow Speed and with minimum wash.
Mariners should note any advice or Instructions given by Event Organisers when in this section of the Navigation. Public Jetties in the Vicinity will remain accesible throughout trough some minor Restrictions may be in Place as and when required. Futher Information may be had by Contacting the Lough Erne Warden on 028 66 323004.
Charles Lawn, Lt Cdr( rtd), Inspector of Navigation, 22 May 2013
Restricted Mooring in Vicinity of Town Bridge for Carrick 400 Event Sun 2nd Jun 2013 from 7 p.m. until Midnight
To facilitate spectator viewing of water based events Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners that the quay wall from the downstream face of the Town Bridge to the floating moorings will be out of bounds for mooring during the above period.
Waterways Ireland thanks its customers for their cooperation in this matter.
Charles Lawn, Lt Cdr( rtd), Inspector of Navigation, 23 May 2013
MARINE NOTICE No. 43 of 2013
Lough Key
Triathlon Swimming Training Course
Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and users of the Shannon Navigation that a triathlon swimming training course is now set out in Lough Key between Castle Island and the mainland to the west, in an area off the navigable channel. It will be in place until the end of September and is marked by four yellow buoys.
When swimmers are on the course they will be accompanied by a safety boat and will be wearing high visibility swim hats.
Training will take place:
From 07.00hrs until 08.00 hrs on Monday, Wednesday and Friday
From 18.00hrs until 20.00hrs on Tuesday and Thursday evening.
Masters are requested to navigate at slow speed and with a low wash when passing the area.
Further information may be had from :
Donal Kennedy
Secretary / PRO Lough Key Triathlon Club
086 1092626
Waterways Ireland thanks it customers for their cooperation in this matter.
Charles Lawn, Lt Cdr( rtd), Inspector of Navigation, 24 May 2013
MARINE NOTICE No. 44 of 2013 SHANNON NAVIGATION Shannon Harbour to Banagher
Swimming Event- Sun 9 Jun 2013
Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and users of the Shannon Navigation that a swimming event will take place on Sun 9 Jun between 1330hrs and 1530hrs , from Shannon Harbour to Banagher Harbour.
Masters are requested to navigate at slow speed and with a low wash when passing the area.
Further information may be had from :
Jerry O’Meara
Secretary Shannonside Sub Aqua Club
087 7764252
Waterways Ireland thanks it customers for their cooperation in this matter.
Charles Lawn, Lt Cdr( rtd), Inspector of Navigation, 24 May 2013
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