MARINE NOTICE, No. 96 of 2024

Lowtown, Grand Canal; © esri

MARINE NOTICE, No. 96 of 2024

Grand Canal


Marathon Kayak Race – 13 October 2024

© Waterwaysireland

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters of vessels that a Marathon Kayak Race will take place on the Grand Canal in the vicinity of Lowtown on 13 October 2024.
Masters of vessels are requested to proceed with additional caution in the vicinity of the event and obey safety crews’ instructions.
Waterways Ireland thanks its customers for their co-operation in relation to this matter.

P Harkin, Inspector of Navigation, 23 September 2024

Grand Canal, Lowtown, Marathon-Kajakrennen – 13. Oktober 2024
Waterways Ireland möchte die Kapitäne von Schiffen darauf hinweisen, dass am 13. Oktober 2024 auf dem Grand Canal in der Nähe von Lowtown ein Marathon-Kajakrennen stattfinden wird.
Die Schiffskapitäne werden gebeten, sich in der Nähe der Veranstaltung besonders vorsichtig zu verhalten und den Anweisungen der Sicherheitsleute Folge zu leisten.
Waterways Ireland dankt seinen Benutzern für ihre Kooperation in dieser Angelegenheit.

MARINE NOTICE, No 81 of 2020

Sallins-Co. Kildare; © esri
Sallins-Co. Kildare; © esri

MARINE NOTICE, No 81 of 2020

Planned removal of vessels from Grand Canal

Sallins, Lowtown, Robertstown, Hazelhatch and environs

Canal Act 1986 (Bye-Laws) 1988

    • Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners of vessels that:
    • Vessels with no permit, Bye Law 6(8)
    • Vessels non-attended and apparently abandoned, Bye Law 6(8)
    • Vessels doubled moored and causing obstruction (sunk) , Bye Law 27 (3)
    • Vessels deemed to be / likely to cause a hazard to navigation, Bye 33(3),

will be removed from the Grand canal at Sallins, Lowtown, Robertstown and Hazelhatch and environs on Monday 28th September 2020 or shortly thereafter as operationally convenient. Removed vessels may then be subsequently disposed of in accordance with Bye Law 34(2).

Classes of vessels mentioned above have been stickered (given suitable access). Owners (where known) have received communication. A copy of this Marine Notice will be left on board all non-compliant vessels (given suitable access).

Waterways Ireland wishes to thank their customers for their cooperation in this matter.

P Harkin, Inspector of Navigation, Waterways Ireland, The Docks, Athlone, Co Westmeath

Geplante Entfernung von Schiffen aus dem Canal Grande
Sallins, Lowtown, Robertstown, Hazelhatch und Umgebung
Kanalgesetz 1986 (Durchführungsbestimmungen) 1988
Waterways Ireland möchte Kapitäne und Eigner von Schiffen darauf hinweisen:

    • Schiffe ohne Erlaubnis, Bye Gesetz 6(8)
    • Nicht beaufsichtigte und anscheinend verlassene Schiffe, Bye Gesetz 6(8)
    • Schiffe, die doppelt festgemacht haben und Behinderungen verursachen (gesunken) , Bye Gesetz 27 (3)
    • Schiffe, von denen angenommen wird, dass sie eine Gefahr für die Schifffahrt darstellen oder darstellen können, Bye 33(3),

wird am Montag, den 28. September 2020 oder kurz danach, je nach betrieblicher Notwendigkeit, aus dem Canal Grande in Sallins, Lowtown, Robertstown und Hazelhatch und Umgebung entfernt. Die entfernten Schiffe können dann in Übereinstimmung mit dem Gesetz 34(2) „Bye“ nachträglich entsorgt werden.
Die oben genannten Schiffsklassen wurden mit Aufklebern versehen (bei geeignetem Zugang). Die Eigentümer (soweit bekannt) haben eine Mitteilung erhalten. Eine Kopie dieser Mitteilung wird an Bord aller nicht konformen Schiffe hinterlassen (bei geeignetem Zugang).
Waterways Ireland dankt seinen Kunden für ihre Zusammenarbeit in dieser Angelegenheit.

MARINE NOTICE, No 035 of 2017

GC-Lowtown © esri; click to Grand Canal Lowtown
GC-Lowtown © esri

MARINE NOTICE, No. 35 of 2017

Grand Canal

19th Lock Main Line, Grand Canal,

Lowtown, County Kildare

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners of vessels that the Grand Canal will be closed to navigation at the 19th lock on the main line from Tuesday 6th June 2017 to Friday 7th July 2017 to facilitate lock gate replacement works. Vessels wishing to pass through the Lowtown area can use the Old Barrow Line and the New Barrow Line to bypass the closure.

Waterways Ireland thanks its customers for their co-operation in this matter.

C.J.Lawn Lt Cdr (rtd), Inspector of Navigation, 29 May 2017

MARINE NOTICE 061 of 2014

Lowtown; © Google Maps; click to "Lowtown GoogleMaps"
Lowtown; © Google Map

MARINE NOTICE, No 61 of 2014


Hazard to Navigtion

Marine Notice No 44 of 2014 is now withdrawn. The navigation hazard has been removed.

Charles Lawn, Inspector of Navigation, 8 Jun 2014

MARINE NOTICE 044 of 2014

Lowtown; © Google Maps; click to "Lowtown GoogleMaps"
Lowtown; © Google Maps

MARINE NOTICE, No 44 of 2014


Hazard to Navigtion

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners of vessels that a vessel, “SURVIVOR”, is presently sunk on the Grand Canal at Lowtown on the North Bank East of the aqueduct.
A boom has been placed around the vessel and masters and owners are requested to pass the location with due care as the vessel may be obstructing the navigation channel.
Waterways Ireland thanks its customers for their cooperation in this matter.

Charles Lawn, Inspector of Navigation, 8 May 2014