MARINE NOTICE 127 of 2015

 Shannon Navigation & Shannon Erne Waterway;© IBRA & ECBA; click to "enlarge"

MARINE NOTICE, No.127 of 2015



Head of River Rowing Regatta Sat 31 Oct 2015

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and users of the Shannon Navigation that the Castleconnell Head of River rowing regatta will take place on Sat 31 Oct from 0800hrs until 1900hrs.
The course will be laid on Fri 30th Oct and removed on Sun 1st Nov.
Masters are advised to proceed at slow speed and with due caution and to take note of advice from course marshals when passing through the area.
Waterways Ireland takes this opportunity to thank its customers for their co-operation with these arrangements.

Charles Lawn, Inspector of Navigation, 29 Sep 2015

MARINE NOTICE 100 of 2014

   Scarriff Harbour; © Google Maps; click to "Google Maps Scarriff Harbour"
Scarriff Harbour; © Google Maps

MARINE NOTICE, No.100 of 2014

Shannon Navigation

Lough Derg – Scarriff

Harbour Festival

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners that this event will take place from Thurs 31st July until Sun 3rd. Aug 2014 in Scarriff Harbour, Co. Clare
Masters are requested to proceed at slow speed and with minimum wash when approaching and departing the harbour.
Waterways Ireland thanks its customers for their cooperation in this matter.

Charles Lawn, Inspector of Navigation, 30 Jul 2014.

Scarriff Harbour; © Captain’s Handbook
Scarriff Harbour; © Captain’s Handbook

Dromod News

Dromod Harbour Einfahrt; © Captain’s Handbook
Dromod Harbour Einfahrt

Schlechte Nachrichten aus Dromod (Lough Bofin Shannon)

Das Restaurant „The Brandywell“ in Dromod ist jetzt geschlossen worden, was viele sehr schade finden. Es wird aber auch gesagt, dass das Hodson Bay Hotel die Administration übernommen hat? Man hofft, das es offen bleiben kann.
Die gute Nachricht es bleibt offen.

Die gute Nachricht COX’S Steak House ist auch offen.