Mit Motorschaden auf Lough Derg
Am am Freitag den 16. September trieben 3 Personen an Bord eines 28ft Motorbootes mit Motorschaden hilflos auf Lough Derg nahe der Mountaineer Boje. Bei Wind aus West/Südwest mit Stärke 4, wurde die Sicht wegen zunehmender Dunkelheit schlechter. Nach Driften über einige Distanz hatte der Skipper den Anker gesetzt um ein auf Grund laufen zu vermeiden.
Das Rettungsboot entdeckte sie hinter den Carrigeen Islands nahe des Ufers auf der Westseite Höhe Dromman Harbour. Die drei Personen an Bord waren alle wohlauf, und trugen ihre Rettungswesten. Das RNLI-Rettungsboot schleppte das Boot nach Dromineer Harbour.

Hier ist die Originalmeldung von RNLI Lough Derg:
*At 19.31 on Friday September 16, Lough Derg RNLI lifeboat, Toshiba Wave Warrior, was requested by Valentia Coast Guard to go to the assistance of 3 persons on board a 28ft motor boat that had suffered engine failure and was adrift on Lough Derg, close to the Mountaineer buoy. *
*At 19.31hrs the lifeboat launched with helm Eleanor Hooker, Ger Egan and Ben Roynane on board. Winds were west south-west, Force 4, visibility was fair with darkness falling. After drifting for some distance, the skipper had dropped anchor to prevent being grounded. They were located by the lifeboat behind the Carrigeen Islands, close to the County Clare Shore. The three persons on board were all safe and wearing lifejackets. The lifeboat was alongside the casualty vessel, a 28ft motor boat at 19.50hrs. With an RNLI crew member on board, a tow line was set up. The anchor was held fast and given the conditions and nightfall, it was left behind. The vessel was towed to Dromineer Harbour and tied up safely alongside at 20.40hrs. The lifeboat returned to station and was ready for service again at 21.00hrs.
Eleanor Hooker, Helm & Lifeboat Press Officer Lough Derg RNLI Lifeboat*