MARINE NOTICE, No. 95 of 2017
Royal Canal
Towpath Closures at Maynooth & Kilcock
Waterways Ireland wishes to advise that further upgrading works will take place over the coming months to the Royal Canal towpaths in the Maynooth & Kilcock areas, as part of the National Cycle Network upgrades.
The canal towpaths will be closed to the public between Maynooth Harbour and Chambers Bridge Kilcock, and from Spin Bridge Kilcock to Ferns Lock, over much of the period from September to December 2017.
Works will continue until end 2017, and signage at individual entrance locations on site will confirm relevant closure dates for those points.
Waterways Ireland regrets any inconvenience caused and thanks its customers for their cooperation in the matter.
Shane Anderson, Assistant Inspector of Navigation, 14 September 2017