MARINE NOTICE No. 94 of 2013
Lough Derg (South)
Two Mile Gate
Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners that the swimming element associated with the Brian Boru Triathlon will take place At Two Mile Gate (Approx 3km north of Killaloe on the western shore) on Sat 31Aug between 1100hrs and1500hrs.
Masters are requested to note any advice from safety marshals when passing through this section of the navigation.
Waterways Ireland thanks its customers for their cooperation.
Charles Lawn, Inspector of Navigation, 20 Jul 2013

MARINE NOTICE No. 93 of 2013
Shannon Navigation
Lough Derg
Mirror Worlds Sailing Championship
Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners that the above event will take place in Dromineer Bay and adjacent waters from Mon 22 Jul until Fri 2 Aug 2013.
There will be increased sailing activity and a large fleet of vessels on the water during this period. Masters of powerboats should, where possible, give the fleet a wide berth otherwise the normal navigation rules apply.
Waterways Ireland thanks it customers for their cooperation in this matter.
Charles Lawn, Inspector of Navigation, 20 Jul 2013

MARINE NOTICE No. 92 of 2013
Waterways Ireland Riverfest
Sat 10th and Sun 11th Aug 2013
Waterways Ireland wishes to advise all masters and users of the Lower Bann Navigation that the above event will take place along the stretch of navigation between Coleraine Town Bridge and Mountsandel bridge in the vicinity of Christie Park moorings from 10am until 6.30pm on both days.
Masters are requested to transit this area at slow speed and with minimum wash during the event and to heed the advice and instructions of those marshalling the activities.
Waterways Ireland takes this opportunity to thank its customers for their co-operation in this matter and regrets any inconvenience caused.
C.J.Lawn, Lt Cdr (rtd), Inspector of Navigation, 18 Jul 2013

MARINE NOTICE No. 91 of 2013
Shannon Navigation
& Shannon Erne Waterway
Permission to Lay Single Point Moorings
Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners that it is a requirement of the Shannon Navigation Bye- laws to have permission to lay mooring buoys i.e single point mooring, for vessels and boats in both the Shannon Navigation and on the Shannon Erne Waterway.
Owners with the required permission should ensure that their mooring buoy is clearly marked with the registration number of the craft that it is intended for. Owners without permission should apply to:
The Inspector of Navigation, Waterways Ireland,
The Docks, Athlone, Co.Westmeath.
Unidentified mooring buoys will be removed from the navigation.
Charles Lawn, Inspector of Navigation, 18 Jul 2013