Es ist kein Geheimnis, dass die aktuellen „Marine Notices“ nicht von der „IWAI“ kommen, sondern es zeichnet für die Richtigkeit und Aktualität „Waterways Ireland“ ganz alleine.
Wer schnellstens informiert sein will, der liest am besten die Marine-Mitteilungen „Online auf der Page von WI. Da gibt es die Mitteilungen sogar in deutsch. Ich zeige euch weiterhin anhand von Karten und Bildmaterial worauf die Meldungen sich in den Inland Waterways beziehen. Zu den noch aktuellen Marine-Mitteilungen nur das Foto anklicken:
zu den Marine-Mitteilungen auf der „Waterways Ireland“ Hompage
Carrick Craft schließt seine Basis in Tully Bay auf dem Lower Lough Erne und eröffnet seinen neuen Stützpunkt nahe Bellanaleck bei dem Restaurant und der Privat-marina„The Moorings“. Auf der Karte sehen sie die Lage der neuen Marina, den Anleger von Bellanaleck mit der Tankstelle sowie den Weg in den kleinen Ort etwas oberhalb vom Anleger, Luftlinie sind es ca. 600m. In diesem Ort gibt es eine kleine Einkaufsmöglichkeit sowie einen Klasse Tea-Room „The Sheelin“.
Hier noch einige Eindrücke für alle die die Gegend noch nicht kennen:
Sheelins Tea RoomRestaurant „The Moorings“Marina „The Moorings“
Shop und PostMarina „The Moorings“Anleger Bellanaleck
Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters that the Waterways Ireland Killaloe Water Festival will take place from Fri 27th until Sun 29th Sep 2013.
Festival events will take place north and south of the Killaloe – Ballina roadbridge and will involve kayaks, sailing dinghys, rowing craft, swimmers etc.
Masters of vessels are requested to note the advice of safety marshals associated with the event and on approach to the Killaloe – Ballina area to proceed at slow speed and with minimum wash.
Through traffic will be catered for at intervals during the events.
Waterways Ireland thanks its customers for their cooperation in this matter.
Charles Lawn, Lt Cdr (rtd), Inspector of Navigation, 23 Sep 2013
Masters are reminded to note the annual change over to the autumn schedule for lock and bridge opening times which takes effect from 26 Sep until 1 Nov 2013.
These may be viewed on
C.J.Lawn, Lt Cdr (rtd), Inspector of Navigation, 18 Sep 2012X
MARINE NOTICE, No 110 of 2013
Shannon & Shannon-Erne Navigations
Winter Mooring Period
Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters that the winter mooring period for public harbours on the above navigations will commence on 1 Nov 2013 and end on the 31 Mar 2014.
Masters are advised that collection of the associated charge, in arrears, has ceased and are now requested to pay the winter mooring fee of €63. 50 prior to 1 Nov 2013
Masters are furthered reminded that Bye-law 17. Mooring and Use of Harbours i.e the “5 Day Rule”, continues to apply during this period and that masters not wishing to avail of winter mooring should continue to observe the mooring time limits for public harbours.
Payment may be made by cheque, bank draft or postal order, made payable to Waterways Ireland, to the office below. Credit/Debit Card payments may be made by contacting Finance Section, Waterways Ireland, Enniskillen, Tel: 048 6632 3004 (from ROI).
Waterways Ireland thanks its customers for their co-operation.
Charles Lawn, Lt Cdr (rtd), Inspector of Navigation, The Docks, Athlone, Co.Westmeath, +353906494232, 16 Sep 2013XXX
Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and users of the Royal Canal that the summit level is closed until further notice due to low water levels and regrets any inconvenience that this may cause its customers.
Charles Lawn, Lt Cdr (rtd), Inspector of Navigation, 13 Sep 2013
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