MARINE NOTICE, No. 73 of 2016
ROYAL CANAL, Dublin to Kilcock
Lock Nos. 12 to 17
Boat Assistance – Summer 2016
Waterways Ireland wishes to advise that, over the summer period (with effect from 18th June 2016), water control and boat assistance where possible on the Royal Canal Locks 12 to 17 will be extended as shown below:
Times of duty | Contact Number | |
Des Phillips | Mon-Fri 0830-1700 Sun 0830-1230 ** |
087 248 5754 |
PJ Massey | Sat 0830-1230** | 087 985 7019 |
Weekend Water Patroller* | Sat & Sun 1500-1900 | 086 821 2398 |
* Damien McDermott or David Whelehan
** Some weekends this time will be 0830-1700 instead of Weekend Water Patroller
- Locks 16 & 17: passage may not be possible through these locks outside of the hours given above. Masters should therefore make contact at the numbers given to arrange assistance through the locks.
For any further queries or clarifications on the above please contact the Eastern Regional Office at +353(1) 868 0148.
- Locks 16 & 17: passage may not be possible through these locks outside of the hours given above. Masters should therefore make contact at the numbers given to arrange assistance through the locks.
Charles Lawn, Inspector of Navigation, 17 June 2016