MARINE NOTICE, No. 25 of 2017
O’Brien’s Bridge
Triathlon/ Open Water Swimming Training Course
Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters of all craft that a swim training course will be set out upstream of OBriensbridge, Co Clare/Co Limerick . It will be in place until the end of September and will be marked by orange and white floating buoys.
Swimmers on the course will be wearing high visibility swim hats and also utilise a number of floating orange personal floats.
Training will take place:
18:30-20:00hrs on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings
08:00-10:00hrs Wednesday and Thursday mornings.
09:00-11:00hrs Saturday and Sunday mornings
Masters of all craft (including motor boats/fishing boats and rowing boats) are requested to navigate at slow speed and with a low wash when passing the area, and to exercise due care when swimmers are in the water.
Further information may be had from :
Tom Moriarty Chairperson Limerick Triathlon Club
087-6091586 chairperson@limericktriathlon.com
Waterways Ireland thanks it customers for their cooperation in this matter.
C.J.Lawn, Inspector of Navigation, 10 May 2017