MARINE NOTICE, No 59 of 2010
Waterway Ireland wishes to advise masters and users of the Erne System that the channel east of Castle Island has been marked by large red buoys to facilitate water based events from Mon 2 Jun until Fri 1 Aug 2014. Vessels will still be able to navigate safely through.
On specific occasions during this time period, the area will be completely shut off by the addition of inflatable booms and strings of small yellow buoys.
Through traffic, during these times, can by-pass the area by using the channel West of Castle Island and are requested to proceed at slow speed and with minimum wash when doing so.
Masters should note any advice or instructions given by event organisers when in this section of the navigation.
Public jetties in the vicinity will remain accessible throughout though some minor restrictions may be in place as and when required.
Further information may be had by contacting the Lough Erne Warden on 00 44 28 66323004.
C J Lawn, Inspector of Navigation, 8 Jun 2014