MARINE NOTICE 133 of 2014

Enniskillen-Round "O"; © esri; click to Arcgis Map "Enniskillen-Round "O"
Enniskillen-Round „O“; © esri

MARINE NOTICE, No 133 of 2014

Erne System


Electric Shore Power at Round O

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise its customers that the metered electric power supply at the Round O moorings in Enniskillen will be turned off over the winter months.
The shore power supply will be discontinued from 14th November 2014 until Easter 2015.

Charles Lawn, Inspector of Navigation, 31 Oct 2014

Enniskillen Round O
Enniskillen Round O

MARINE NOTICE 131 of 2014

Portora Lock Lower Lough Erne; © esri; click to Arcgis Map "Lower Lough Erne"
Portora Lock © esri

MARINE NOTICE, No 131 of 2014

Erne System


Restricted Navigation through Portora Lock Gates

Waterways Ireland has been notified of the following:

„Rivers Agency wish to advise masters and owners of vessels that due to essential repair works the up-stream lock gates at Portora Barrage will be out of commission for approximately one week beginning Tuesday 21/10/14.
Navigation through the lock gates will continue during these works but unfortunately will be restricted to vessels of 26 feet or less in length.
Rivers Agency would like to apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and will endeavour to keep disruption to a minimum.
Further information can be obtained by contacting the Lough Erne Warden’s Office on 028 6632 2836 or alternatively Rivers Agency on 028 6638 8529″.

Charles Lawn, Inspector of Navigation, 21 Oct 2014

Portora Lock, Lower Lough Erne; click to "enlarge"
Portora Lock, Lower Lough Erne
Portora Weir in use; Portora Lock Lower Lough Erne; © Pas Vite; click picture to "enlarge"
Portora Weir in use; © and thanks to Austin

MARINE NOTICE 096 of 2014

Upper-Lough-Erne; © esri; click to Esri Map "Upper-Lough-Erne"
Upper-Lough-Erne; © esri

MARINE NOTICE, No.96 of 2014

Erne System – Upper Lough Erne

Aquatic Weeds

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise all Masters and users of the Erne System that recent surveys have detected aquatic weed in significant quantities in Upper Lough Erne. Aquatic weed has the potential to impact on the movement of a range of recreational craft. There is also a risk of vessels being disabled due to fouling of propellers and by weed being drawn into the engine intake, causing it to overheat and stop.
Waterways Ireland intends to harvest weed in accordance with its aquatic weed management strategy developed in consultation with Environment Agency. The aim is to ensure that the main navigation route from the Shannon – Erne Waterway to Enniskillen remains passable and that access to and from all Waterways Ireland jetties is maintained where possible.

In order to minimise the risk to their vessel from aquatic weed Masters are hereby advised to:

    •  stay within the marked navigation channels
    •  be aware that weed may be encountered in any location where there is a water depth of around 1.8 metres or less
    •  navigate with caution
    •  keep a sharp look-out and
    •  proceed at slow speed where the hazard of weed exists.

Masters should take account of any temporary aids to navigation placed by Waterways Ireland. Hazard warning signs highlighting the presence of weed or temporary navigation markers (red/white square) will indicate channels from which weed has been cleared; always pass on the white side.
Prior to departure on a journey Masters of craft should clean intake filters and check propellers and engine cooling.
In the event that a vessel fouls its propeller due to weed, stop the vessel and go astern (reverse) on the engine for a few seconds to see if the propeller clears itself. If, after two or three attempts, this proves unsuccessful Masters are advised to drop anchor to attend to the problem if possible. If unsuccessful call their marina operator or hire base for assistance. Under no circumstances should someone enter the water to attend to a propeller or engine intake fouled by weed .
Masters should be aware of the cumulative effect on their prop and engine of collecting small amounts of weed over a journey and should check their prop periodically.
Masters should allow extra time to make a passage under these environmental conditions
Waterways Ireland thanks its customers for their co-operation in this matter.

For further information please contact the Lough Erne Warden on:

+44 (0)28 6632 2836

C.Lawn, Inspector of Navigation, 24 Jul 2014

Weeds im Upper Erne; © Captain’s Handbook; click to "enlarge"
Weeds im Upper Erne; © Captain’s Handbook

MARINE NOTICE 059 of 2014

Enniskillen-Castle Island; © esri; click to Arcgis Map "Enniskillen-Castle Island"
Enniskillen-Castle Island; © esri

MARINE NOTICE, No 59 of 2010


Waterway Ireland wishes to advise masters and users of the Erne System that the channel east of Castle Island has been marked by large red buoys to facilitate water based events from Mon 2 Jun until Fri 1 Aug 2014. Vessels will still be able to navigate safely through.
On specific occasions during this time period, the area will be completely shut off by the addition of inflatable booms and strings of small yellow buoys.
Through traffic, during these times, can by-pass the area by using the channel West of Castle Island and are requested to proceed at slow speed and with minimum wash when doing so.
Masters should note any advice or instructions given by event organisers when in this section of the navigation.
Public jetties in the vicinity will remain accessible throughout though some minor restrictions may be in place as and when required.

Further information may be had by contacting the Lough Erne Warden on 00 44 28 66323004.

C J Lawn, Inspector of Navigation, 8 Jun 2014

Enniskillen Castle Island;© Captain’s Handbook
Enniskillen Castle Island

MARINE NOTICE 70 of 2013

Lough Erne Golf Resort Jetty; © esri
Lough Erne Golf Resort Jetty; © esri

MARINE NOTICE No 70 of 2011

Public Moorings and Slipway Closures for G8 Summit

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise users of the Erne System that all navigation and mooring restrictions at public jetties associated with the G8 Summit are now lifted and all facilities have now re-opened.

Marine Notices Nos. 27, 56 and 60 are withdrawn.

Charles Lawn, Lt Cdr (rtd), Inspector of Navigation, 19 Jun 2013.

Inishmacsaint Lower Lough Erne
Inishmacsaint Lower Lough Erne