MARINE NOTICE 125 of 2013

Athlone Lock © esri; click picture to esri maps "Athlone Lock © esri"
Athlone Railway and Townbridge; © esri

Shannon Navigation

Flow Measurements

Waterways Ireland has been advised by the OPW of their intention to take flow measurements from Athlone Town Bridge today Fri 25 Oct and also on Tues 29 Oct.
These measurements will hinder passage through the navigational arch but only for short periods of time. Masters should approach the bridge with due caution and be prepared to delay their passage until the navigation is clear.
Masters are further requested to note any advice or instructions issued by OPW staff involved in the measurement operation. Contact number: 353-(0)868112267.
Waterways Ireland regrets any inconvenience that this may cause its customers.

Charles Lawn, Lt Cdr (rtd), Inspector of Navigation, 18 Oct 2013

Athlone Town Bridge; © Captain’s Handbook
Athlone Town Bridge; © Captain’s Handbook

MARINE NOTICE 124 of 2013

Grand Canal Ardclough 13th Level; © esri
Grand Canal Ardclough 13th Level; © esri

MARINE NOTICE, No. 124 of 2013

Grand Canal
Ardclough 13th Level

Temporary Closure

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners of vessels that from Monday, November 4th 2013 to February 2014 the Grand Canal will be closed to navigation on the 13th Level, downstream of Ponsonby Bridge near Ardclough, Co. Kildare due to works by Kildare County Council associated with the laying of a watermain.
Waterways Ireland regrets any inconvenience this may cause our customers.

Charles Lawn, Lt Cdr (rtd), Inspector of Navigation, 25 Oct 2013

Captain's Handbook ©

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