MARINE NOTICE, No 118 of 2014
Shannon & Shannon-Erne Navigations
Winter Mooring Period
Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters that the winter mooring period for public harbours on the above navigations will commence on 1 Nov 2014 and end on the 31 Mar 2015.
Masters are advised that collection of the associated charge, in arrears, has ceased and are now requested to pay the winter mooring fee of € 63.50 prior to 1 Nov 2014.
Masters are further reminded that Bye-law 17. Mooring and Use of Harbours i.e the “5 Day Rule”, continues to apply during this period and that masters not wishing to avail of winter mooring should continue to observe the mooring time limits for public harbours.
Payment may be made by cheque, bank draft or postal order, made payable to Waterways Ireland, to the office below. Credit/Debit Card payments may be made by contacting Finance Section, Waterways Ireland, Enniskillen, Tel: 048 6632 3004 (from ROI).
Masters should further note that fresh water and electricity supply may not be available during this period at public moorings for reasons of preventative maintenance.
Waterways Ireland thanks its customers for their co-operation.
Charles Lawn, Inspector of Navigation, The Docks, Athlone, 24 Sep 2014