MARINE NOTICE, No. 77 of 2018
Scariff Harbour and River
Blueway 10km Canoe Event on SAT 18 AUG 2018
Waterways Ireland wishes to advise all Masters of vessels and water users that the Scariff Blueway 10km canoe event will take place as follows:
Date: 18th August 2018 Time: 09:30am – 15:00pm
Route: Starting from Scarriff Harbour and travelling down the Scarriff River and then onto Lough Derg for a small duration to a landside stop off for refreshments. Return trip back to Scarriff Harbour by the same route.
Scarriff Harbour Area: Registration area and several learn to canoe sessions in the morning.
Expected numbers: 50 – 60 canoes. Canoeing Ireland to provide Marshalls for the event.
Waterways Ireland thanks all vessel owners and operators for their co-operation in relation to this matter.
P Harkin, Inspector of Navigation, 10 August 2018

Blueway 10km Kanu-Event am Samstag 18 August 2018
Waterways Ireland möchte alle Kapitäne der Schiffe und Wassersportler darauf hinweisen, dass das Scariff Blueway 10km Kanu-Event wie folgt stattfinden wird:
Datum: 18. August 2018 Zeit: 09:30 – 15:00 Uhr
Route: Von Scarriff Harbour über den Scarriff River zum Lough Derg für eine kurze Zeit bis zur Landstation für Erfrischungen. Rückfahrt nach Scarriff Harbour auf dem gleichen Weg.
Scarriff Harbour Area: Anmeldebereich und mehrere Kanu-Sessions am Vormittag.
Erwartete Zahlen: 50 – 60 Kanus. Canoeing Ireland stellt Marshalls für die Veranstaltung zur Verfügung.