MARINE NOTICE, No 117 of 2018

Proposed Lower Lough Erne; © esri; click to "esri map"
Lower Lough Erne; © esri

Erne System

Water Supply

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise its customers that the supply of water to taps on public moorings will be turned off over the winter months. This is to reduce running costs and maintenance as there is reduced demand for water due to a reduced number of mooring vessels during the winter months.
The water supply will be disconnected from Wednesday 7th November for the winter season. This service will be restored prior to the commencement of the 2019 boating season. A further advisory Marine Notice will be issued at that time.

Patrick Harkin, Inspector of Navigation, 22nd October 2018

Waterways Ireland möchte seine Besucher darauf hinweisen, dass die Wasserversorgung für die Zapfstellen an öffentlichen Liegeplätzen in den Wintermonaten eingestellt wird. Dies ist für Reduzierung der Betriebskosten und der Wartung, da der Wasserbedarf durch eine geringere Anzahl von Liegebooten in den Wintermonaten reduziert wird.
Die Wasserversorgung wird ab Mittwoch, den 7. November für die Wintersaison unterbrochen. Dieser Service wird vor Beginn der Bootssaison wieder hergestellt. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt wird eine weitere beratende Marine-Mitteilung veröffentlicht.

MARINE NOTICE, No 116 of 2018

Proposed Lower Lough Erne; © esri; click to "esri map"
Lower Lough Erne; © esri

Erne System

Electric Shore Power

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise its customers that the metered electric power supply at the Round ‘O’ and Carrybridge public moorings on the Erne System will be turned off over the winter months. This is to reduce electrical running costs and maintenance as there is reduced demand for electricity due to a reduced number of mooring vessels during the winter months.

The shore power supply will be disconnected from Wednesday 7th November for the winter season. This service will be restored prior to the commencement of the 2019 boating season. A further advisory Marine Notice will be issued at that time.

Patrick Harkin, Inspector of Navigation, 22nd October 2018

Electric Shore Power Enniskillen at Round O
Enniskillen Round O


Stromnetz Landanschluss
Waterways Ireland möchte seine Gäste darauf hinweisen, dass die getaktete Stromversorgung an den öffentlichen Liegeplätzen Round ‚O‘ und Carrybridge am Erne wird im Laufe der Wintermonate abgeschaltet. Dies dient der Reduzierung der elektrischen Betriebskosten und der Wartung, da die Nachfrage nach Strom aufgrund von auf eine geringere Anzahl von Liegebooten in den Wintermonaten.
Die Stromzufuhr zum Festland wird ab Mittwoch, den 7. November, für die Wintersaison unterbrochen. Dieser Dienst wird vor der Installation wiederhergestellt. Beginn der Bootssaison 2019. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt wird eine weitere beratende Marine-Mitteilung veröffentlicht.

MARINE NOTICE, No 115 of 2018

Bagnelstown-Lock-14; © esri; click picture to "Bagnelstown-Lock-14"
Bagnelstown-Lock-14; © esri

Barrow Navigation

Bagnelstown – Royal Oak Bridge

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise all users of the Barrow Navigation that subsidence has occurred on the tow path under the railway bridge south of the Royal Oak Bridge, Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow.
Pedestrian passage is therefore restricted and the area will be cordoned off.
Waterways Ireland thanks all their customers for their co-operation in relation to this matter.

P Harkin, Inspector of Navigation, 11 October 2018

Bagenalstown Liftingbridge and Lock; click to wasserrausch
Bagenalstown Liftingbridge and Lock

Barrow Navigation-Bagnelstown – Royal Oak Brücke
Waterways Ireland möchte alle Nutzer der Barrow Navigation darauf hinweisen, dass es auf dem Treidelpfad unter der Eisenbahnbrücke südlich der Stadt zu Senkungen gekommen ist.
Royal Oak Bridge, Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow. Die Fußgängerbrücke ist daher eingeschränkt und die Zone wird abgesperrt.

MARINE NOTICE, No 114 of 2018

 Shannon Navigation & Shannon Erne Waterway;© IBRA & ECBA; click to "enlarge"


Dangers at Harbours, Jetties and Moorings during Stormy Weather

  1. Waterways Ireland advises all Masters and owners of Vessels berthed in public harbours, jetties and moorings to take additional precautions if visiting their vessels during the stormy weather and heavy rainfall that is forecast for later this week.
  2. Strong winds are a hazard when walking on floating pontoons and when manoeuvring vessels. Heavy rainfall can result in slippery conditions along waterways.
  3. Waterways Ireland advises that full personal protective equipment should be worn if it is deemed necessary to visit a vessel during stormy weather.
  4. Waterways Ireland thanks its customers for their co-operation in this matter.

P Harkin, Inspector of Navigation, Waterways Ireland, 10 October 2018

Gefahren an Häfen, Anlegestellen und Liegeplätzen bei stürmischem Wetter

  1. Waterways Ireland empfiehlt allen Kapitänen und Eignern von Schiffen, die in öffentlichen Häfen, Anlegestellen und Liegeplätzen liegen, zusätzliche Vorsichtsmaßnahmen zu ergreifen, wenn
    die ihre Schiffe während des stürmischen Wetters und der starken Regenfälle besuchen, die für Ende dieser Woche prognostiziert werden.
  2. Starke Winde sind eine Gefahr beim Betreten von Schwimmpontons und beim Manövrieren von Schiffen. Starke Regenfälle können zu rutschigen Bedingungen entlang der Wasserstraßen führen.
  3. Waterways Ireland weist darauf hin, dass vollständige persönliche Schutzausrüstung getragen werden sollte, wenn es für notwendig erachtet wird, ein Schiff bei stürmischem Wetter zu besuchen.
  4. Waterways Ireland dankt seinen Kunden für die Zusammenarbeit in dieser Angelegenheit.

MARINE NOTICE, No 113 of 2018

 Shannon Navigation & Shannon Erne Waterway;© IBRA & ECBA; click to "enlarge"


Wearing of Lifejackets and Personal Flotations Devices

1. Waterways Ireland wishes to remind all Masters of Vessels and water users of the requirements regarding Lifejackets and Personal Flotation Devices. Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport’s Marine Notice No 10 of 2016 states that:-
Marine Notice No. 10 of 2016
Notice to all owners, masters and users of pleasure and recreational craft.
Lifejackets and Buoyancy Aids – Main Points
This Marine Notice is primarily addressed to pleasure and recreational craft owners, masters and users. It provides a brief summary of the legal requirements in relation to the wearing and carrying of lifejackets and buoyancy aids, the penalties arising from non-compliance, as well as advice on the selection and maintenance of Personal Flotation Devices.
The term “personal flotation device” (PFD) covers all forms of lifejackets and buoyancy aids which, when correctly worn and used in water, will provide buoyancy and increase the likelihood of survival. A lifejacket is designed to prevent drowning and must be capable of returning the user to the surface as quickly as possible and of keeping the person afloat, permitting breathing while waiting for help. Buoyancy aid clothing ensures a degree of buoyancy and support in the water while enabling the user to swim or take action to escape from danger.
Personal Flotation Devices and the Law – PFD Regulations
The Pleasure Craft (Personal Flotation Devices and Operation) (Safety) Regulations 2005 (S.I. No. 921 of 2005), as amended by the Pleasure Craft (Personal Flotation Devices and Operation) (Safety) (Amendment) Regulations 2012 (S.I. No. 349 of 2012), apply to pleasure craft being operated in Irish waters and to any person on board a pleasure craft or being towed by a pleasure craft, or on board a craft or object of any kind being towed by a pleasure craft.
There must be suitable PFDs for everyone on board any pleasure craft.

A suitable PFD must be worn at all times:

    • By anyone on board any moving pleasure craft (not tied up or made fast) that is under 7 metres in length, including personal watercraft (jet-skis);
    • By anyone under the age of 16 years on board any type of moving pleasure craft;
    • By anyone in another craft or on any other device (e.g. skis, donuts, etc.) being towed by a pleasure craft.


    • Immediately prior to, during and after swimming from a stationary pleasure craft;
    • When putting on, wearing or taking off diving equipment on a stationary pleasure craft.

It is recommended that:

    • Anyone alone on board a pleasure craft should wear a PFD at all times regardless of weather conditions, the size of the pleasure craft or whether it is made fast or at anchor;
    • PFDs, if required to be carried, are stored in a readily accessible position;
    • PFDs should be fitted with hold-down devices such as crotch straps or thigh straps to maximise lifesaving potential and reduce the risk of the PFD riding up on the user;
    • Persons should wear lifejackets at all times while on open decked pleasure craft over 7 metres in length not fitted with inherent buoyancy.

Failure to comply with the legal requirements – Fixed Payments and Fines

Where an authorised officer has reasonable grounds for believing that a person is committing or has committed an offence under the PFD regulations, he or she may serve a fixed payment notice in the prescribed form on the person in question. The person who is alleged to have committed the offence may pay €150 during the period of 21 days from the date of the notice.
Failure to pay the €150 within the 21 days will lead to the institution of prosecution proceedings and, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding €5,000.

Selection and use of Personal Flotation Devices

Pleasure and recreational craft owners should select PFDs that are appropriate to:

    • the particular circumstances in which they will be used (e.g. area of operation, sea state, weather, ease of use);
    • the type of risks likely to be encountered (e.g. sudden immersion due to capsizing);
    • other factors (e.g. type and buoyancy of clothing worn, chemical exposure);

PFDs should be worn over all clothing and not underneath. PFD users should be familiar with the correct use and operation of their PFDs.

Servicing and maintenance of Personal Flotation Devices

Servicing of PFDs should only be carried out by manufacturers/approved agents in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, but users should still carry out regular safety checks prior to each use.

PFD users should not use PFDs with expired components and should remove PFDs from the boat and refer to an approved service agent if there are any concerns about a PFD.

Conformity Marking of Personal Flotation Devices

    • Every PFD made available on the European Union market should be CE marked.
    • Every survival lifejacket should be marked with the “ship’s wheel” mark.

2. Waterways Ireland encourages the safe use of its waterways by all. The wearing of Lifejackets and Personal Flotation Devices is an effective way of enhancing water safety.

3. Waterways Ireland thanks its customers for their co-operation in this matter.

P Harkin, Inspector of Navigation, 09 October 2018