MARINE NOTICE 014 of 2013

Shannon Navigation

Athlone and Banagher

Flow Measurement

Waterways Ireland has been informed by the Office of Public Works (OPW) of its intention to conduct flow measurements in Athlone and Banagher between Wed 13 and Thurs 21 Mar 2013. The measuring instrument will be lowered from the bridge to the river and then moved laterally across the bridge arches to take the measurements. The procedure will only take a matter of minutes at each arch. Masters approaching the navigation arch of these bridges should be prepared to stop short and await instructions from OPW staff as to when it is safe to proceed through the arch. Waterways Ireland thanks its customers for their cooperation with this work. C.J.Lawn, Lt Cdr (RTD), Inspector of Navigation, 12 March 2013

Athlone Lock;© Captain’s Handbook
Athlone Lock
Banagher Marinas
Banagher Marinas

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