Am Samstag den 17. September 2011 kommt das Lough Derg Rettungsboot „Toshiba Wave Warrior“ zwei Personen zu Hilfe, die an Bord eines 33ft Cruiser bei Carrigahorig Bay, in der Nähe Portumna, am nördlichen Ende des Lough Derg auf Felsen aufgelaufen sind. Das Boot hatte bereits erhebliche Mengen an Wasser aufgenommen.
Da die mitgeführte Pumpe des Rettungsbootes es nicht schaffte das Wasser aus dem Boot zu fördern, wurde eine zweite Pumpe aus Portumna über Strassentransport besorgt.
Der Einsatz der beiden Pumpen reichte jedoch nicht aus das Boot wieder schwimmfähig zu machen, deshalb entschloß das Rettungsteam aus Portumna eine noch stärkere Pumpe zu besorgen. Da dieses auch nicht den gewünschten Erfolg brachte, wurden die beiden Besatzungsmitglieder vom RNLI Rettungsboot nach Portumna gebracht.
Der Eigentümer will sein Boot bei Tageslicht wieder flott zu machen.
Saturday September 17, Lough Derg RNLI Lifeboat goes to the assistance of two persons on board a vessel on Rocks and taking on water at Carrigahorig Bay, near Portumna, at the northern end of Lough Derg
At 17.44hrs Saturday September 17, Lough Derg RNLI lifeboat, Toshiba Wave Warrior, was requested by Valentia Coast Guard to go to the assistance of 1 person, on board a 33ft cruiser on rocks after suffering engine failure, and which was now taking on considerable amounts of water. Mathew Gallagher, skipper of Aftermath was standing by, but was unable to get close to the casualty.
At 17.54hrs the lifeboat, with helm Eleanor Hooker, Colin Knight and Ger Egan was launched. The lifeboat carried its salvage pump, and in addition, Lifeboat Operations Manager, Charles Stanley-Smith made contact with Fergal Kerney, Lifeboat Deputy Launching Authority, who agreed to take a second salvage pump to Portumna by road.
At 18.15hrs the lifeboat was alongside the casualty vessel which was listing to port and on rocks. There were two persons on board (the skipper has been joined by a friend, a marine mechanic). The lifeboat transferred an RNLI crew member and the salvage pump to the casualty vessel and the lifeboat salvage pump was immediately put to work. The cruiser Aftermath met Fergal Kerney and took him to the scene.
At 18.21hrs the lifeboat transferred the second salvage pump to the casualty vessel, set up a tow and held off head to weather.
At 19.25, (it was now dusk) and with two pumps running, the vessel was not floated.
At 19.34hrs, RNLI Lifeboat helm agreed one last attempt to float the vessel before taking all persons off. Eamon Egan, Marine Engineer, brought a third, larger pump to the vessel from Portumna.
Quelle / Source: Pressestelle RNLI Lough Derg, Eleanor Hooker
Verdammt viel Glück im Unglück hatten gestern drei Segler auf Lough Derg in der Nähe von Hare Island, die bei Südwestwind der Stärke 6 und einem entsprechend hohen Wellengang über Bord ihres Segelbootes gegangen waren. Auf dem einzigen weiteren Boot in diesem Bereich vernahm ein Segler während einer Wende die Hilferufe und löste den Rettungsalarm aus. Das RNLI-Rettungsboot aus Dromineer eilte zu Hilfe. Zwei der drei Segler wurden von dem aufmerksam gewordenen Segelboot aus dem Wasser gerettet, die dritte Person war jedoch aus den Augen verloren worden. Der Rettungshubschrauber Rescue 115 wurde alarmiert und auch das Rettungsboot der Coast Guard Station in Killaloe eilte herbei. Nach einer systematischen Suche wurde nach wenigen Minuten von der Crew des RNLI Bootes die dritte Person ca. 400 – 500 m entfernt entdeckt. Zwei der drei Verunglückten wurden mit dem RNLI-Boot und die dritte im Killaloe Coast Guard Boot nach Dromineer gebracht, wo der Rettungshubschrauber sie aufnahm und ins Limerick Regional Hospital brachte. Die drei hatten etwa 30 Minuten im Wasser verbracht. Das Rettungsboot fuhr noch einmal zu der Unglücksstelle, jedoch fehlte von der gesunkenen Yacht jede Spur.
Hier die Originalmeldung von RNLI Lough Derg:
At 17.04hrs Saturday September 10, Lough Derg RNLI Lifeboat was requested to launch by Valentia Coast Guard following a report of two persons in the water off Hare Island, on Lough Derg. At 17.15hrs, the lifeboat was launched with Helm Colin knight, Johnny Hoare and Ger Egan on board, and was on scene 17.20hrs. The wind was southwest, force 6, with a 5ft to 6ft swell, visibility was good.
When the RNL lifeboat arrived on scene, a passing yacht was recovering two persons onto their yacht, but had lost a visual on the third person. The lifeboat immediately carried out a search pattern, located the third casualty some four or five hundred metres away, and recovered them to the lifeboat.
Tasked by Valentia Coast Guard, the Irish Coast Guard Search & Rescue Helicopter team, Rescue 115, took off from their base at Shannon at 17.34hrs. Killaloe Coast Guard had also launched to assist. After establishing that the RNLI lifeboat could be at their station within 5 minutes, Rescue 115 requested the crew to take the casualties to Dromineer from where they5 would transfer the casualties to hospital.
The RNLI lifeboat returned to the yacht, and took a second casualty on board. Killaloe Coast Guard boat took the third person. All were then rushed back to Drominneer where they were met by the helicopter and transferred to Limerick Regional hospital for further treatment.
The lifeboat then returned to ‚The Hare‘ to see if the sunken vessel was a navigational hazard, but there was no sign of wreckage or of the yacht. The lifeboat returned to station and was ready for service again at 18.50hrs.
Lifeboat Helm Colin Knight said „these three people were very very lucky; the passing yacht only became aware of their plight when, on tacking, one of sailors heard calls for help on the wind and raised the alarm“. He continued, „the persons were in the water for at least thirty minutes, in fairly hostile conditions, when the only boat in the vicinity heard their calls for help, someone was looking after them today“.
Auch Richard hat am Wochenende Killaloe besucht, darüber einen Artikel verfasst und schöne Fotos im IWAI Forum gepostet. Zum Forum geht es über die kleinen Bilder.
Thanks Richard for the great Pictures und Article.
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