Shannon Navigation
Winter Mooring Period and Payment
Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters that Marine Notice 102 of 2017 is hereby amended by the following notice. The winter mooring period for public harbours on the above navigation will commence on:
1st Nov 2017 and end on the 31st Mar 2018.
- Masters are advised that the associated charges, €63.50, must be paid prior to 1st Nov 2017.
- Masters are further reminded that Bye-law 17. Mooring and use of Harbours i.e. the „5 Day Rule“ continues to apply during this period and that masters not wishing to avail of winter mooring should continue to observe the mooring time limits for public harbours.
- Application and payment (€63.50) may be made only by credit/debit card via the following link:

- Masters should also note that fresh water and electricity supply may not be available during this period at public moorings therefore any on-board services which may be depending on this electrical supply should have an alternative source of power.
- Masters are reminded that if availing of winter mooring that they continue to routinely monitor their vessels especially during periods of adverse weather and also be aware of rising/falling water levels that will require adjustment of mooring lines.
- Owners please note that vessels berthed in public harbours are at the owners risk at all times and may be directed to other harbours as operational exigencies require.
Waterways Ireland thanks its customers for their co-operation.
Shane Anderson, Assistant Inspector of Navigation, 20 October 2017