MARINE NOTICE, No 020 of 2017

Lough Derg ; © esri
Lough Derg ; © esri

MARINE NOTICE, No 20 of 2017

Shannon Navigation, Lough Derg.
Mount Shannon, Co. Clare and Portumna, Co. Galway :

Protection of Protected Bird Species

Waterways Ireland has been advised that rare and protected birds are present and breeding on Cribby Island, near Mount Shannon and on Church Island adjacent to Portumna Forest Park.

To protect and minimise disturbance to these nesting birds in the area, masters are requested to observe a voluntary exclusion zone by not encroaching within 250m of the islands and to proceed directly passed and without stopping near the islands, between now and August inclusive. In particular masters are requested not to attempt to approach or disembark onto the islands using smaller punts, canoes or kayaks.

Masters should note that deliberate disturbance to nesting birds and their habitat is illegal under the Wildlife Act (1976-2012).

Waterways Ireland thanks its customers for their co-operation in this matter.

C.J.Lawn, Inspector of Navigation, 27 April, 2017

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