MARINE NOTICE, No 126 of 2017

Grand Canal-Docks; © esri; click picture to "esri-map Grand Canal Dock Dublin Grand Canal"
GC Circular Line Lock C1-C3; © esri;

MARINE NOTICE, No. 126 of 2017

Grand Canal – Circular Line

Pedestrain Path Closure

Waterways Ireland wishes to notify its customers that works will take place over the coming weeks to re-lay the pedestrian paths alongside the Grand Canal Circular Line, Dublin 4, between Locks C1 & C3; and also carry out landscaping works in and around Locks C2 & C4. As a result these areas will be closed to public use whilst works are ongoing, and some localised parts will remain fenced off afterwards to allow vegetation to establish as appropriate.

Waterways Ireland apologies for any inconvenience this may cause its customers and thanks their customers for their understanding in this matter.

Shane Anderson, Lt Cdr (rtd), Assistant Inspector of Navigation, 17 Nov. 2017

GC-Circular-Line Lock 3 Dublin Rally 2014; click picture to IWAI Dublin Branch
GC-Circular-Line Lock 3 Dublin Rally 2014

MARINE NOTICE, No 125 of 2017

Map Inland Waterways Ireland;© Waterways Ireland
Inland Waterway; © WI

Grand and Royal Canals

Boat Passage in and out of Dublin

In accordance with earlier Marine Notice 7/2017 Waterways Ireland wishes to confirm that no further boat movements will be organised into or out from Dublin East of Lock 12 on the Grand and Royal Canals until the 2018 season.
The Grand Canal will shortly be closed for works in the Bluebell area, and water levels will be reduced for the winter season.
Waterways Ireland apologies for any inconvenience this may cause its customers and thanks their customers for their understanding in this matter.

Shane Anderson, Lt Cdr (rtd), Assistant Inspector of Navigation. 16 Sep. 2017

MARINE NOTICE, No 124 of 2017

SEW Lock 5, Ardrum; © esri; click to Arcgis Map "SEW Lock 5 and 6, Ardrum, Ballyduff"
SEW Lock 5 and 6, Ardrum, Ballyduff

MARINE NOTICE, No 124 of 2017

Shannon–Erne Waterway

Navigation Closure between

Lock 5 and Lock 7

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners of vessels that the Shannon-Erne Waterway will be closed between Lock 5, Ardrum and Lock 7, Ballyduff from Friday 3rd November 2017 until further notice due to a water pollution incident.

Note that Lock 5, Lock 6 and Lock 7 will be powered off and no-one should navigate or otherwise use the waterway between these locks in order to facilitate water pollution control measures and subsequent remedial actions.

Waterways Ireland regrets any inconvenience that this may cause and thanks its customers for their cooperation in this matter.

Shane Anderson, Assistant Inspector of Navigation 14 November 2017

SEW-works-at-lock; © Captain’s Handbook; click to "enlarge"
SEW-works-at-lock; © Captain’s Handbook

MARINE NOTICE, No 123 of 2017

Map Inland Waterways Ireland;© Waterways Ireland
Inland Waterway; © WI


33-34 Level Re-Open

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners of vessels that the Grand Canal between locks 33 and 34 is now re-open to navigation and Marine Notice 110 of 2017 is hereby revoked.

Waterways Ireland thanks their customers for their understanding in this matter.

Shane Anderson, Lt Cdr (rtd), Assistant Inspector of Navigation, 10 Nov. 2017

34th Lock and Clonony Bridge on the Grand Canal; © Copyright JP
34th Lock and Clonony Bridge on the Grand Canal; © Copyright JP

MARINE NOTICE, No 122 of 2017

Lock 17; © esri; click to " esri maps Kilcock Lock 17"
Ferns’s Lock; Lock 17; © esri

MARINE NOTICE, No. 122 of 2017


Lock 17 – Fern’s Lock

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners of vessels that Lock 17 Royal Canal (Fern’s Lock) will be closed to navigation until further notice, due to lock gate replacement works that have now commenced.
Waterways Ireland apologises for any inconvenience this may cause its customers.

Shane Anderson, Lt Cdr (rtd), Assistant Inspector of Navigation, 10. Nov. 2017

Royal Canal Ferns’s Lock; © AJ Vosse
Royal Canal Ferns’s Lock; © AJ Vosse