MARINE NOTICE, No.29 of 2014
Grand Canal
Restricted Navigation
Marine Notice No 5 of 2014 refers.
Waterways Ireland wishes to advise owners and masters that navigation will be reopened at Sallins from Fri 14 Mar on a restricted basis due to the ongoing construction work, which is expected to last until June.
A restricted channel has been allocated for boat passage, however, 24 hours prior notice is required to ensure that workboats and construction equipment are clear of the channel. Masters should contact the local Lockkeeper 00 353 (0) 872895611 to notify request for passage (9.30-17.00 except Wednesdays).
Masters are requested to note any instructions issued by ENCO staff, the works contractor, in relation to the movement of vessels through the works area.
Waterways Ireland thanks its customers for their cooperation in this matter.
C J Lawn, Inspector of Navigation, 12 Mar 2014.