MARINE NOTICE 097 of 2014

Robertstown © esri; click to Esri Map "Grand Canal  Robertstown"
Robertstown © esri

MARINE NOTICE, No 97 of 2014

Grand Canal


Binns Bridge Wing Wall and Robertstown Quay Wall Repair Works

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise all masters and users of the Grand Canal that maintenance works will be carried out, to the wing wall at Binns Bridge at Robertstown, and to the quay wall at Robertstown, Co. Kildare. Works are scheduled to commence on Tuesday 05 August 2014, with completion of bridge works on Friday 29 August 2014 and quay wall works by Friday 26 September 2014.
The navigation will be restricted at these locations in order to facilitate the works. As part of these works shoring equipment and/or a temporary dam may be placed in the navigation. Users are requested to give these a wide berth and comply with local restrictions and instructions from contractors.

Waterways Ireland thanks its customers for their cooperation in this matter.

C.J. Lawn, Inspector of Navigation, 28 July 2014

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