MARINE NOTICE, No. 103 of 2016
Shannon Navigation & Royal Canal
Tarmonbarry, Rooskey & Begnagh Bridges
Longford Marathon
Waterways Ireland wishes to advise all Masters and users that in order to facilitate the annual Longford marathon road race on Sun 28 Aug 2016 lifting bridge operations will be restricted accordingly.
The following air draft restrictions will apply to the lifting bridges, which will be closed during the time periods indicated below.
- Shannon Navigation – Rooskey Bridge (1045 hrs to 1400 hrs)
The air draft at Roosky Bridge at Ordinary Summer Level is 10ft (3.025m). There is an air draft gauge erected at the bridge on both Upper and Lower approaches. The Lock keeper can be contacted during lock opening hours at 00 353 (0)71 96 38018 for further information. - Shannon Navigation – Tarmonbarry Bridge (1015 hrs to 1215 hrs)
The air draft at Tarmonbarry at Ordinary Summer Level is 7’9″ (2.35m). The Lock keeper can be contacted during lock opening hours at 00 353 (0)43 3326117 or (0)87 9222020 for further information. - Royal Canal – Begnagh Bridge
The bridge will be closed from 0900hrs to 1015 hrs. The Lock keeper may be contacted on 00 353 (0)87 9151400.
- Shannon Navigation – Rooskey Bridge (1045 hrs to 1400 hrs)
C.J.LAWN, Inspector of Navigation, 4 Aug 2016